Betavolt introduces 50-year lasting nuclear battery
Betavolt Introduced 50-Year Lasting Nuclear Battery  2


Today, people and scientists are visioning nuclear power as the most suitable power source. By using nuclear energy, everything got a next level upgrade. It has brought a revolutionary change to this digital word. And on the other hand, China is utilizing this new power source to create new things. So, one of the chinese companies named “Betavolt” has invented a “Nuclear Battery” and they claim it can last 50 years and will decay after the expiration. In this article we will discuss about the “Nuclear Battery”

What is Nuclear Battery

An atomic battery, nuclear battery, radioisotope battery or radioisotope generator is a type of device that uses energy from the decay of radioactive isotopes and then converts into electricity.As it is a nuclear battery, it produces electricity from nuclear energy. But it is exceptional, because there is no chain reaction in them. Although they are commonly called batteries, they are not electrochemical batteries and do not have a mechanism for charging and recharging. By using the knowledge of generating electricity from the decaying of isotopes which was first explored in the 20th century , Betavolt created this battery which is also obedient to this fact.

How Nuclear Battery is created

Betavolt has used Radiation of Nickel-63 and the latest invented semiconductor of diamond.You can’t recharge it. It will remain in action until it decays. It is the first ever battery to have such features. It is going through trials right now.

What is the size of A Nuclear Battery 

Nuclear batteries are very small in size .Even a coin is larger than a nuclear  battery. It is created by using the radiation of Nickel-63 and the diamond semiconductor. The sheet of Nickel-63 is 2 micron thick and the semiconductor is 10 micron thick. Because of its size, it can easily be used in series or parallel. It can generate a huge amount of energy.

Where can I use Nuclear Battery

This battery can be used in many devices, from small to large devices. One can use this magnificent battery in 

  • Smartphones
  • Spacecrafts
  • AI Accessories
  • Small Drones
  • Advanced Sensors
  • Micro-Robots
  • Microprocessors
  • Medical Equipments

You won’t need to charge your phone for 50 years. Accessories that are used in AI, will be unstoppable till the expiration of this battery. A small drone and aircraft will have enough charge to fly for the next 50 years. Medical equipment will be usable for the next 50 years. So can you imagine how amazing this battery is!

What are the Benefits of a Nuclear Battery

This battery surely has some benefits that you may not find in normal batteries. And besides, it is totally based on atomic energy.

  • It’s eco friendly
  • It remains unaffected by sudden or extreme attacks
  • It remains unaffected by bullets
  • There is no risk of radiation 
  • It can work smoothly even in -60°c to +120°c.
  • It doesn’t spread external radiation 
  • It is safe to any person having artificial heart, pacemaker or koklea implant 
  • Doesn’t cause fire incidents

Is it Safe to Use Nuclear Battery

Nuclear materials come with some amazing features, but there is always a matter of safety. Because this kind of materials have inner or external radiation which sometimes leads to horrible incidents. But, Betavolt claims, this nuclear battery is safe to use. And it doesn’t spread internal or external radiation. And as I mentioned earlier, it doesn’t cause fire incidents. It’s eco friendly and it is safe to any person who has an artificial heart or pacemaker or koklea implant. Besides, Betavolt says the atomic battery is eco-friendly and it will turn into a stable isotope of copper which is non-radioactive and doesn’t pollute the environment. So, don’t worry, the latest info about this nuclear battery confirms it is safe.

When Will Nuclear Battery be Available 

This Betavolt battery is a top level battery and the features are very amazing. But, you have to wait until 2025. Betavolt says they will launch a 1 watt battery in 2025. 

Price of A Nuclear Battery 

Though Betavolt gave us so much info, they didn’t clearly mention the price of it. But, don’t worry it is more likely confirmed that it will be cheap and affordable.


Nuclear energy is a great source of power and it can replace nonrenewable energy sources. But, the price and size are very important factors and besides, the safety matter is a pure headache and a great obstacle.  But, this nuclear battery is suitable and has no issue with size, price and safety. So, it is indeed a very good product and by following this footsteps, others may create more innovative products that will help our daily lives


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