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How Israel Occupied Palestine 2


Today, ICJ announced Israel’s continued occupation in Palestine is unlawful but this is an advisory opinion which is not binding. Israel called this ruling fake.Israel is one of the trending topics in the world in the past decades and they are expected to pass the USA in military power. And another trending topic is Palestine. Israel has taken control over Palestine. But, Palestinians had everything to fight the Israelis when Israel was not a country, when the Jewish had no owned country. And Arab countries like Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria etc were at Palestinians’ side. So, how could the Jewish take control of that strong Palestine having so many backup countries? And what is Zionism and why are people of Israel called Zionists? The main question is “How Israel Occupied Palestine?”

In this article, we are going to present, “The history behind occupying Palestine”. Let’s get Started

History I : Harzl’s idea of Zionism

The Jewish people had no permanent country or nation.. Basically, in terms of muslims, they have arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, Syria etc, in terms of the Hindu people, they have India, Sri Lanka etc and in terms of the Christian people, they have Germany, Spain, USA, UK etc all over the Europe but the Jewish people didn’t have any country or nation. So, the movement of establishing a country or nation for the Jewish, is mainly Zionism and those who work for it or support it, are Zionists. The father or the founder of Zionism is Theodor Herzl. He was a journalist and lawyer, he is called the founder or father of Zionism, the first Zionist. He wanted to establish a Jewish nation. He created the World Zionist Congress. In this congress, it was announced that the upcoming Jewish country will be called “Israel” and the national flag was finalized. The star symbolizes the Star of David and the two blue lines symbolize the Furat River and the Nile Nod.

History II : Decision of the Sultan

Theodore Herzl first decided to settle in Argentina because there was a Jewish family named the Rothschild. They have a huge amount of land where Herzl could easily establish a nation but they didn’t do that; rather they selected Jerusalem where their ancestors lived. But, they have to buy that land first. It was the Ottoman who had those lands. So, Herzl started traveling the Ottoman and he traveled there five times. After ending the war with the Soviet Union, the Ottoman got a huge debt and Herzl proposed to the current Sultan Abdul Hamid II that they will pay every debt of the Ottoman. But the Sultan knew that they wanted to establish a Jewish nation and also knew what Allah had told us about them. So, he diplomatically answered that they can’t do this because the lands achieved by blood will be sacrificed by blood. And he can’t sell it because it’s the property of the people.Not only that, he banned selling lands of Palestine and Al Quds to the Jewish. That’s why Herzl had to wait until the fall of the Ottoman.

History III : Decision of the Jewish

As the Jewish had vast amounts of money, they offered England a huge amount of financial help in exchange for the lands of Palestine if England achieved those lands. England agreed to that. Surprisingly England had never agreed to some deals like that but Herzl’s proposal. Then, World War I started, the Ottoman took part and lost to England and England took control over those lands and not only that they spread adversal perceptions about Abdul Hamid II. Then he was dethroned and England got full control and they also spread that the Jewish were tortured. Now, England fulfilled their deal by giving those lands of Palestine to Herzl. Now, it was announced to the Jewish that all of the Jewish may come to Palestine. Then the popular Balfour Declaration was announced. The British government approved Palestine as the new national home of the Jewish. But, as the Jewish living all over the world had settled their lives in other countries, they didn’t respond to the Zionists.

History IV: The Final Help

Now, World War I ended and the Nazi Army had come to action and the head of this army was Adolff Hitler, the worst enemy of the Jewish. He wanted to perish every Jew in the world and Herzl took this opportunity. He announced and spread that those Jewish people who will come to Palestine will get vast property there. As Hitler was trying to kill every Jew, in order to save their lives, they accepted the proposal of the Zionists and came to Palestine to get settled. So, finally they announced ‘Israel is Born’. But, the Palestinians were also living there and when they realized their motives, they stopped selling lands to them and started war and Zionists fought effortlessly as the British force was backing them up. If there was no British force support, the Palestinians would have won. Now, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt etc declared war against Israel and still with the help of the British army, they won. And if you relate the situation, still foreign superpowers are backing Israel up.


So, that’s how Harzl established a Jewish nation named ‘Israel’. And that’s how Israel occupied Palestine. But as ICJ said this is unlawful, it should affect Israel. But it is not binding and the UN General Assembly can’t ban a member of the UN. But, the UN General Assembly can suspend that nation’s right and privilege meaning Israel won’t be able to participate in any UN General Session. As the UN Security Council can’t do  any harm to Israel because of the vato power of the US, this decision will affect. Thank you for reading!


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