Different Knids of Computer
Invention of Computer - History, Types and Technology 2


Computers are a revolutionary technology and machine in the world. The world is controlled through computers. Today, the person having the proper knowledge of using computers, is considered a preferable competitor for the job. So, as the computer is a vital tool in our daily lives, we should know the history of inventing such an amazing technology. In this article we will discuss this revolutionary computer. Let’s get started!

History of Inventing Computer

The word “Computer” came from the Greek word “Compute” which means “calculate” according to the English dictionary. So, from that point of view, we can say that the root history of inventing computers was when people started thinking about a machine or technology that will be able to calculate mathematical problems faster and accurately.

In 450/500 BC, the first technology that could be used to solve mathematical problems was invented and it was named “Abacus”. Many say it was invented either in China or Egypt. But, Abacus was very effective but it takes too much time to calculate huge mathematical problems. And you should know that these days, students of many developed countries practice math with Abacus to develop their calculation skills.

Though Abacus was very good and effective, people wanted a machine that can calculate faster and more accurately. Then in 1642 a French scientist named Blaze Pascal invented the first machine calculator. And based on this machine, many scientists started to make something better than this more specifically they tried to evolve this machine calculator. In 1671, a German named Gottfried Von Leibniz created a new machine calculator based on Pascal’s calculator that had the ability of division and multiplication. He also named this calculator, “Reckoning Machine”.

Then finally in the beginning of the 19th century, the so-called “Father of Computer”, Charles Babbage gave his idea of the Difference Engine (at that time, it wasn’t named Computer) and its usage and structure. But he didn’t invent it, he just gave the idea of it but as he was the first to talk about a machine like this, he was named “The Father of Computer”. So, based on the idea of a calculator, Charles gave the idea of a computer, that’s why the history of calculators is connected with the history of computers.

Then based on Charles’s idea, in 1944 with the help of 4 engineers of International Business Machine (IBM), Howard Icon created the first electro mechanical computer named Mark-1. Then in 1971, USA based Intel Corporation invented the microprocessor.  It was a huge achievement. It brought a revolutionary change in computer science and by using this microprocessor, scientists and companies started creating many modern and digital computers and from that moment to today we are seeing these modern and digital computers. 

Types of Computer

Based on structure and features, there are 3 types of computers

 Analog Computer: This computer works by processing analog data. It uses entities like mechanical entities and many more entities like this such as electrical and hydraulic etc. These entities are continuously changeable.

Digital Computer: This computer uses discrete, distinct and digits to process information and solve problems. It uses binary language.

Hybrid Computer: This computer is the total combination of analog and digital computer. Having the speed of an analog computer and the accuracy of a digital computer, it surely exhibits the features of both analog and digital computers.

Based on size, there are 4 types of digital computers

Supercomputer: Super computer is a very fast and high level computer. It is way faster and better performed computer compared to the computer we use. It is used for scientific and engineering purposes because those works need higher speed which supercomputers can fulfill.

Mainframe Computer: This type of computer has greater security and availability than others. It is used by IT organizations to process their data because it can process a massive amount of data faster and securely.

Mini Computer: It has less power than a mainframe computer. It is a medium powered computer. It used to handle transactions, important files and data. Generally, many business organizations use it to operate their data.

Micro Computer: The computers we use in our daily lives are microcomputers. It is built with a microprocessor. These kinds of computers are small and cheap. It is used for very general purposes, not like the other powerful computers.

We use microcomputer and as you know it has two versions

Desktop: It is a fixed located microcomputer. To use it, you need an external mouse, keyboard, CPU, speaker, monitor. It is usually set in a desk and maybe for that reason, it’s called a desktop. It doesn’t have a touchscreen or batteries.

Laptop: It is a portable microcomputer. Some of its versions have a touchscreen. But, it has everything, the hardware devices desktop has. Those devices which are external to the desktop are attached to the laptop. It is designed like this so that it can be carried anywhere easily. It has a battery that needs to be charged.

Parts of Computer System

In terms of computer system, there are two different parts of a computer

Hardware:  These are the physical devices or equipment of a computer. Some of them are internal and external or both but by using these you can perform major functions such as input, output, storage etc. More specifically, these are those parts that you can see and touch.

  Software: It can’t be touched and seen. Without software, we can’t call it a computer. Hardware work by maintaining orders from the software. It contains computer programs which are used to run computers.

Input & Output Devices

To operate a computer, you need many hardware devices like monitor, mouse, speaker, printer, touchpad etc. So, based on their usages, people separated them in two categories

Input Devices: These hardware devices provide data to your computer or command to do something to the computer. In other words, the devices that are used to input something to the computer are input devices.

Output Devices: After inputting data and processing the data, these hardware devices convert the result into human readable format. For example, you press 2500 on the keyboard which is an input device and after that monitor, which is an output device, shows 2500 which humans can read.

But, there are some devices that can be used as both input and output devices. They are called Input-Output Devices.

Modem, CD, DVD, USB, VCR, Touchscreen etc are the examples of input-output devices.


·        What is the first digital computer?

Ans: Mark-1

·        What is the first electronic computer?

Ans: ABC Computer

·        What is the first personal computer?

Ans: Altair-8800

·        What is the first desktop microcomputer?

Ans: Q1 Model Desktop Microcomputer

·        What is the first minicomputer?

Ans: PDP-1

·        What is the first palmtop computer?

Ans: DIP Pocket PC

·        What is the first transistor based computer?

Ans: PDP-8

·        What is the first embedded computer?

Ans: Apollo Guidance Computer

·        What is the first photonic quantum computer?

Ans: Jiuzhang

·        What is the first computer company?

Ans: Electronic Controls Company

·        Which country has made the first photonic quantum computer?

Ans: China

·        What is the IQ of a computer?

Ans: 0 IQ

·        Who is the first computer programmer?

Ans: Ada Lovelace

·        Who invented the computer?

Ans: Howard Icon

·        Which company bought a laptop in the market first?

Ans: Epson

·        What type of device “Plotter” is?

Ans:  Output Device

·        What is the fastest supercomputer in the world?

Ans: Frontier

·        What is the full form of “ENIAC”?

Ans: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

·        Who is the father of the modern computer?

Ans: John Von Neumann is the father of the modern computer.


So, we have discussed the history of inventing computers. And also got the basic knowledge of many computers and computer parts. Though it’s a very complicated designed device earlier when it was invented, it is now a very easy to use device and the design is very simple. And as the world is fastly and effectively turning into a true digital world, people obviously need easy to use computers. And for general and educational purposes, we tried our level best to describe the computer.


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