Israel is Openly Violating International Law


Israel has kept their heinous genocide in Gaza and as a result, at least 30 people was killed in Gaza City. In Rafah, including 4 children, at least 15 people.The Al-Aqsa Hospital is getting filled with injured people coming from nearby Az-Zawaid. The Gaza death toll exceeds 32,400 people.

The UN Security Council has passed an immediate ceasefire resolution where among 15 countries, 14 countries have voted for ceasefire and Israel’s best friend USA avoided voting. And when something is passed in the UN Security Council, it becomes International Law and every UN member has to maintain this but Israel is openly violating it. They have cleared their stance by bombing Gaza. 

In previous votings, when the US voted against ceasefire, Israel was seen as very responsible and respectful to the UN’s decision but when the decision was against them, they showed their true colors. 

They are without any doubt, not fighting against Hamas but killing the women and children of Gaza Stripe. Because they can’t fight against Hamas, they’re afraid of them. The way Hamas destroyed their every plan and strategy, they have understood the fact that even if they bring the most powerful weapons, Hamas will still have feedback for them. 

The majority of the world’s population are against Israel and as a response to that 14 countries have voted for ceasefire but even after that Israel didn’t atone. Now, it’s time for the UN to take serious action against Israel. In a recent football match where Israel faced off Iceland where Israel was badly destroyed. The coach of Iceland clearly stated that he hesitated to play against Israel as they are genociding innocent people in Gaza. A group of twelve football associations were demanding FIFA to ban Israel.

Israel has gone so far that they started to violate international laws and if the UN fails to take any action against it, then it will be considered as the biggest defeat of the UN.


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